tutortouch and Bytello OS: uniting education and innovation
Bytello OS allows for seamless integration across all teaching, working, presentation platforms.
tutortouch Interactive panels run on Android 13 with Bytello OS. Bytello OS allows for seamless integration with your school or work account allowing you to access your online cloud drives (Google Drive or OneDrive) and use your content directly on the panel without the need of any external devices such as USB’s or laptops.
Simple seamless and efficient
Bytello OS login is a single sign on (SSO) feature and works with a QR code that is linked to the panel. Meaning you can log into your account on any tutortouch panel regardless of if it is the panel you used yesterday or another panel in another school or country.
When you scan the QR code it will transfer your Bytello account (a secure path to your specific cloud account via single sign on) to the specific panel giving you access to all of your prepared work as well as the full software suite which consists of, Note, Bytello Class, Bytello Share, Palette, word, excel, power point, pdf, video recordings and Airclass. Want to import a PDF document into the Note program from your cloud drive – sure no problem, want to save any work from the panel to your cloud account you can do that as well.
And when you are done for the day simply click on the logout button to secure or block access to your account from a random user of the tutortouch panel and save it directly to your cloud drive allowing the next person to come use the tutortouch panel without the need of erasing or manual transfer of any content. Simply scan the QR code, login and you are ready to teach or present, anywhere anytime with tutortouch.